Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Word for 2012

Picking a word to focus on in 2012 seemed like a good idea until I tried to decide what *the* word would be. I need a word that will encompass our struggles, allow for hope, and celebrate our victories. I want room for doubt, room to wonder, room to vent. I want to be able to share our problems and our solutions. I have been struggling for a couple of days because no one word seem to fit.

Yesterday I realized I  was looking at it wrong.  What I really needed was a perspective to filter my life through this year. Once I thought of it that way, *the* word was obvious. My word for this year is *moment*.

I wish to examine and live my year in one *moment* pieces. The present moment, whatever that may be. I don't want to be waiting for the end of the tantrum. I don't want to miss the smile while dancing for the pure joy of it. I want to be fully present when she reads a book she was unable to read before and celebrate  the accomplishment. I want to hear my daughter the first time she tries to point out the wonder she has found. I don't want to live 2012 multitasking and missing so much of what is important.

For 2012, I would like to blog about moments. It will be interesting to see what that looks like. Happy New Year!


  1. What a great word to choose. And it is so easy to miss a moment, isn't it?

  2. Oooh! I used to do this, but haven't done it in years. You've inspired me. I think I'm going to choose "present" though. As in being present and engaged in life.



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