Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hope's First Playdate

Hope went on her first play date today. It wasn't that she has made enough progress to try it, but rather that GB had made a friend during Challengers softball. Her friend has a younger brother who is eight and developmentally delayed and their house is set up so it is easy to provide constant supervision. GB and her friend, Jordan, did crafts while Hope and Tyler played with the doll house, swung on the indoor swing, and watched Scoobie Doo. There were the expected rough spots, but with two adults there to intervene, nothing got out of hand. Hope had a great time and didn't want to leave. Hope's first social success! I am hoping to give her another opportunity soon.


  1. I am so happy for Hope. She deserves sucess.


  2. I am excited to hear about this! Maybe it's the start of growing up and healing. I wish you many more sucessfull playdates with Hope.


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