Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Still Here...Sort Of

This is just an update because I don't have anything else in me at the moment.

* GB has been on the ant-psychotic loxapine for 5 days now. It has taken the edge off the mania, but I am hoping for so much more.

* Hope's birthday has come and gone, the tantrums still linger rage on.

* Texas parents sent Hope a big box of gifts. Didn't open it, haven't answered their last email, Hope hasn't brought them up.

* GB's respite provider died last night. They never did control the pain.

* I had back to back CSE meetings set up for tomorrow, for a total of three hours. I had to cancel them.

* I had to cancel them because the minor surgery I was having done in an outpatient clinic morphed into real surgery at the hospital tomorrow because of my ongoing medical problems.

* They knocked down my parents house today. It now looks pretty much as it did before they started building 23 years ago... an empty lot. The koi pond is gone.

My mother always said if you have nothing positive to say, be quiet. That is not what she did, only what she said. 


  1. *hugs*
    I am so sorry about all the craziness. Take care of yourself, rest if you can, and I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

  2. Oh gosh, so much at once. I am so sorry. Take care of yourself, and know that we are sending good thoughts to you.

  3. hi. I am sorry for the craziness too. I love you and I'll be praying for you.

  4. love you, hang in there, hope the surgery goes well.

  5. (((hugs))) You have a lot going on. Hang in there.

  6. Sending good thoughts your way! It seems like you are having one of those when it rains it pours kinda weeks! Hang in there!

  7. I'm sorry I haven't been around more. I think of you all the time, I really do. Please lets talk when you get home.


  8. Oh goodness, one awful thing after another, I'm so sorry. Particularly about your friend, that's very sad. Hugs and good wishes, thinking of you {}

  9. I am so so very sorry. Have you had the surgery? Sure hope you are feeling better soon!! It might be a saying, but it is also the truth, "Momma's don't have time to be sick"! Praying for peace in your house!!

  10. Hugs to you. I'll pray for you and the kids.

  11. Hugs and prayers, my friend. Praying for peace, for respite from the craziness. ((((hugs))))

  12. Your silence had me concerned... I've been praying for you and the family.
    Wow so much going on... will keep praying!!!

  13. I pray this week is a better week for you!!

    May the God give you courage and strength and healing.

  14. Well, since you've got comments from the 5th and comments have to approved, I'm happy to think that means you are working on getting back on your feet.
    It was clearly a week of total suckiness for you. Sometimes I wonder if my body keeps trying to make me ill enough to send me to the hospital so I have to leave my household stress behind. Problem is that bodies don't understand that hospitals are not restful places.
    I hope you got rest anyway. I hope you are still resting, but I very much doubt that is true.
    I won't hug you 'cause I don't know where you hurt and I don't want to squish the wrong place. So think of me as holding your hand right now. : )


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