Friday, October 28, 2011

Walking ON Eggshells

GB is still dysregulated and manic. After trading a dozen emails back and forth, the psychiatrist and I agreed on a plan. I am not doing the happy dance. GB has been on every atypical antipsychotic currently available. The only two that stabilized her were risperdal and invega (A metabolite of risperdal). Unfortunately, Prolactin levels in the 40's are not acceptable in an 8 year old girl. So we are left to try traditional anti psychotics. Tomorrow morning, GB starts on loxapine. It has black box warnings and we didn't want to start her when we would have to rely on the school to monitor her. 

Parenting special needs children is often like this- there is no good solution. You are stuck between a rock and a hard place and have to chose between two lousy options- in this case, no treatment or risky nasty side effects. I made my choice and I am praying that God will wrap His arms around her.


  1. Hugs and prayers, thinking of you both {}

  2. I am so sorry you are having to go through this. I know the difficulty in medicating a child. I pray that the new medication is the answer! I am in no way a doctor, but have been there, done that. Have they tried any type of seizure medication as a mood stabilizer like Depakote, Lamictal or Trileptal?

    Praying for all of you!

  3. I know how hard this is; BTDT with my Fiona. Hoping with all my heart for good results. My dau always feels so badly when she comes out of an episode. I hate the shame and self anger that her inability to control herself engender for her.

  4. I will pray that this new medication is just the right one!

  5. Praying! Unfortunately, I can relate.

  6. hoping it works, hugs, wish I could wrap my arms around you in person, sooner rather than later.

  7. Our Stinkpot was just put on risperdal after Tenex lost its effectiveness. Big internet hugs to you!

  8. Praying for you, Hon. Take a deep breath and do something nice for you.

  9. saying a prayer for gb. i am sorry you have to take this path at all mom. i love you

  10. hey! Are you alright? No posts make me worried ;-)


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