Monday, September 19, 2011

Just Because...

Yesterday was my birthday. I want to get myself a Great White Pyrenees puppy as a birthday gift. They are beautiful, gentle dogs and extremely loyal. The are also easy to train  and because of their size, about 120#, people find them intimidating. I have a big, old farm house so I have plenty of room for him.

Of course, with five special needs kids/adults, a baby, a service dog, two Maine Coon cats, and my health, everybody I have seen this past weekend, who asked what I wanted for my birthday, has looked at me like I was nuts when they heard my answer. I understand their reaction. It doesn't make sense. It is a crazy idea.

I am not sure where the idea came from and I probably won't act on it. It is possible that the fact a Great White Pyrenees puppy makes no sense in my current life and would be utterly selfish is one of the reasons the idea is still hanging around. Sometimes, it would be nice to have something just because I want it and say "oh well" to everything else.


  1. If you ever do decide you want one. The rescue I volunteer with gets several a year, and they are so sweet!

  2. I'm of the thought "go for it you only live (THIS) life once"

  3. We got a puppy (tiny dog) 5 months after Cupcake came home. Made no sense at all. One of the best decisions ever! Our pup has been so therapeutic for the whole family. The puppy stress was pretty stressful, but short-lived. God bless you and your family. And Happy birthday!

  4. I think the idea of a Pyr is great but I have to warn you-- I don't think they're known for trainability. I had a boss who had two and a coworker who had one and from their conversations, I got the impression that Pyrs were known for being an independent, stubborn breed. I was reluctant to post about it when my own knowledge comes from such a small sample size, but then I looked at a national Pyr rescue website and they said the same thing.

    I don't think a breed's reputation should be the primary factor in deciding what type of dog to get--lots of dogs don't have the "typical" temperament their breed is known for. And if you go the rescue route or get a mixed breed dog, it's less likely you'd get the typical temperament.

    The folks that I knew who had Pyrs loved them a lot and would have more if the size and upkeep expenses didn't limit them. But if you do decide to get one, know going in that raising a Pyr might be a very different experience than raising a Doberman, that's all. (I personally used to think I was an excellent dog trainer when my only experience was with my border collie mix. My first Catahoula foster dog quickly brought my ego into check!)

    Best wishes on your decision.


  5. The readers suggesting that you "go for it" are not thinking about the puppy and your life situation.

    How much more selfish could you be? Getting a puppy when you are in your mid 50s, have two small children with great physical, emotional, and behavioral needs, and have medical problems yourself, is not responsible.

    Animals bring immense joy into a home, but require time, attention, and caring. Shouldn't your efforts be focused on raising your children and dealing with their needs?
    No responsible breeder would give you a puppy with your current situation.

    Pyrs are not easy to train because they were bred to think independently and make decisions. They bark alot, especially at night and tend not to get along with same-sexed dogs. Lonesome or ignored, they can get very destructive. They need to be walked everyday multiple times or have a fenced area where they can run. But they will run away if not contained.

    Please use better judgement and don't bring a dog into your home at this time.

    What void are you trying to fill?

  6. Okay...I will chime in.

    I say = you are an adult. There is NOTHING selfish for wanting a dog/puppy.

    It could be healing for you...and your girls!!

    Follow your heart.

    Sleep on it.

    Pray on it.

    And do...what YOU want. Not what Bessie, or Lil Ol Me, or anyone else wants!!

  7. I just want to chime in with one last comment -- because Pyrs are big and shed so much, it's possible that a family member who didn't seem to have allergy issues before might have issues once there is lots of Pyr dander in the house. And if you got a puppy, this might not become apparent for several months, when the dog was full grown.

    I'm not trying to imply you're a slob or anything like that, but I know that I normally don't have allergy issues, and yet my throat starts to feel tight when I go into certain homes where large, high-shedding dogs live. Of course, if your home is big enough and you manage to stay on top of the shedding situation, this is less likely to be a problem. I just bring it up because there are so many other people living in your home (especially the three young kids).

    And finally -- I just want to put a plug in for going the rescue route. I know little puppies are cute and easier to bond with, but there are lots of adults that need homes. In this economy, a large dog like a Pyr is especially in danger when people fall on hard times. Their food and health needs cost more. And for those who lose their homes or have to downsize to an apartment or move in with family, a dog that size would be more likely to be left behind because fewer landlords allow them, the new living situation might be too cramped, etc.

    And an adult might be a really good match for your family situation. Adults are more chill and are past the teething stage. (Can you imagine your daughter's response if the new puppy nipped Mali?) And some of them come already trained. And you don't have to worry about the girls teaching the dog bad habits while it's still a cute puppy. (Lots of kids encourage their puppies to jump on them, feed their puppies table food, etc.)

    I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea to get a new dog. There even used to be a mega-family blog online where they adopted Pyrs from their local Pyr rescue. And they had lots of kids and a couple Pyrs and managed to make it all work. So I'm not saying it can't work or that you're a selfish person for even considering it. I'm just saying have a realistic idea of what can go wrong, and possibly consider an adult dog who needs a home.

  8. An adult rescue dog is a great option. I have not decided whether a Pyr is a real dream or just a wish. If I get one though, I will go the rescue option. Thanks for all the input!

  9. Think of it as getting another Maine Coon; they both are gigantic, shed like crazy and will eat you out of house and home.
    Maine Coons rule, BTW.
    Have you considered a Labradoodle? They are sweet-natured, good with kids, grow quite large and they don't shed very much. Giant poodles don't shed at all. I have one that is sometimes mistaken for a bear. She's a sweetie but she looks intimidating.

  10. lol@ last comment only because mom knows about the labradoodle by far. i love you mom. the shedding and your dil pick the labradoodle, but i love you know matter what you decide and how much you want or need anything. you are an adult making decisions and have always made them well. i love you, happy birthday again...i think you need another vacation with your dil to a beautiful island with a sensantional spa :) heheh

  11. To answer, "What need are you trying to fill?" I can answer that one. Dogs give unconditional love... unlike our kids. They don't talk back or make false accusations to CPS.

    YOU need to answer what's right for you. Bessie has her opinion, but you're the only one who can make this choice, and I for one will support you either way.

    People thought I was nuts for adopting mentally ill teenagers, but it was my choice. This choice is a lot less controversial!

    I hope you do whatever you think is best for you! Hugs and prayers,


  12. I recently thought we might get a chance to adopt one of our former foster sons, and it didn't work out. In my sad state, I "rescue adopted" this sweet dog named Maddie. I have 5 kids, and already had a dog and a cat. This dog was more for me though, and she follows me everywhere I go, and is the most loving dog I have ever been around. Do I regret it? Not one bit.

    I don't think it is selfish AT ALL for you to get a dog that YOU want when most of all of your life is wrapped around doing everything else for all the other people in your life.


Comments Appreciated.