Sunday, September 18, 2011

54 Today!

Five years ago today, I turned 49. I received all the usual calls from family and friends. The last call, shortly after GB was in bed, was from my father. He wished me a Happy Birthday and made lots of small talk. I was on the phone with him for a long time, which was unusual. Just as we were saying our goodbyes, I heard "I love you". We hung up. I cried.

In 49 years, that was the first time I remember my father saying "I love you". It was the only memory I have of him saying  "I love you". He didn't live to see me turn 50.


  1. A bittersweet memory...

    Nevertheless, Happy Birthday!

  2. Some people find it so hard to say these things. I'm glad he realized he wanted to say it before it was too late : )

    Happy Birthday! Eat cake! Shouldn't you get 54 wishes on your candles? I think that's how it Should work.

  3. Happy Birthday lovely!

  4. I'm so sorry. My dad died 2 years ago and my mom Christmas Eve. I am very glad you got to hear such important words before your father died.

  5. Happy, Happy Birthday!

    I'm sorry for your painful memories, but be encouraged that WE get to make a difference in our kids lives. Mine are SO TIRED of hearing me say that I love them. I, like you, only remember once or twice hearing it from my parents.

  6. Happy birthday. Whether he said it or not, I am sure he loved you in what ever way he was capable. XOXO!

  7. lovely memory - glad to hear that you and GB got a break, hope re-entry was not to rough.

  8. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

  9. I too hope your birthday was good. And I'm thankful you have that memory. (((hugs)))


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