Sunday, March 6, 2011

Being Brave!

I am essentially a none social person. I don't like meeting strangers. I don't like loud, crowded rooms. I need a lot of contact with someone before I give friendship a chance. Yet not only did I go to the Orlando Rad Mom's retreat, but I agreed to be house mother. Corey said I didn't have to do anything I didn't want to do. I had a couple of people that I was already friends with- J., Jennie, Lisa. I really, really wanted to see them. I really wanted to meet Dia por Dia. Hope had a 103 fever. I really didn't want to leave her. I am having my hip replaced Wednesday and I really didn't want to leave GB either. My white matter syndrome makes what kind of a day I have a toss up. Friday and Saturday were not so good days; Today, Sunday, has been a good day so far.

I felt really lucky at the airport Friday, because when I found the welcoming committee, I knew who everyone was. I got to ride from the airport to the main house with J! I lost my phone at the airport, but since I had already texted the Dad and MK that I was safely here, I didn't worry about it. It was found and turned in, so I can pick it up on my way home tomorrow. Glad I didn't waste anytime worrying :-) When I got to the main house, everybody was friendly and welcoming, but it didn't matter. I got to hug Lisa! Jennie was there real and in person. We went to our villa at 4 o'clock and it was stunning. The swimming pool was at least 100 degrees. Physically, I was very tired. My balance was off and the tremors were noticeable. I went out to see the pool and contemplate sticking my feet in or maybe even swimming. I slipped and fell. I landed on my left hip. I have a big bruise, but it doesn't hurt anymore than it did  before I fell.  I decided to rest instead of going to the purse party. There were going to be too many people in too little space anyway.

I slept late Saturday, but was ready for my spa trip. I have never had any massage except from my cousin massaging my neck, but I decided to jump in. I went for a full body massage and even did it nude. It started with some soft music that really wasn't music. I was laying on my belly and this really nice smell drifted into be. I was trying to figure out what it was when the massage started. I remember the therapist going around my body in an orderly fashion. I noticed when she massaged my head. It was all perfect. There was no sense of time passing. I felt a sharp stab of peppermint flow through me and the massage was over and I was awake. An hour had passed in the real world, although it was timeless in my world. I was so glad that I had risked something new. I went for a haircut and met a master haircutter. She was young and nice and worked steadily on my hair, a little snip at a time. It took longer than any haircut I have ever had, but I had no trouble sitting still. It might have been a left over from the message. I still look exactly like me, only better.

I had dinner with my housemates and spent hours listening and talking to new people and it was easy. They went out to visit other houses around 11ish, and I went to bed. I have a hard time walking when I can't see where I'm going; I was not about to try it in the dark. It was a good choice- I woke up refreshed before eight this morning. I took a long bubble bath, complete with the pink ducky Corey gave me, put on clean PJs and went with Lori to be the finish line for the 5K. Three of our housemates finished and it was fun cheering everyone on. I went swimming, had lunch, and am off to the parents panel... coming here was a great idea. I am happy I took the chance. This is better than I ever dreamed it would be.


  1. So happy for you! You have more than earned the relaxation! Yay for trying new things :)


  2. Good for you woman!

  3. So glad the weekend worked out well and you are enjoying yourself!

  4. Glad you had a good time. I thought about you guys all weekend.

  5. Meeting you and hugging you IRL made me so very happy. So very happy we were all brave.

  6. I don't think we had time to officially meet and chat in my short time with you ladies yesterday, but it was great to see and hear you "live" at the parent panel!

  7. I agree- it was better than I even imagined. :) It was nice to meet you.

  8. I'm sorry, I didn't realize the struggles you have. I'm happy you made it and oh yeah, I FOUND your new blog!


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