Monday, February 28, 2011

Getting Old

Hope and GB both had a good day yesterday. They helped the Dad put their laundry away, ate a mountain of homemade waffles, and went with the Dad to have ice cream with his mother. Hope lost it towards the end of the day, but it was late enough to put her to bed. They both got up with smiles and went through their morning  routine with ease.

When they got off the bus, the Green Eyed Monster was back. GB had gotten another gift at school today. Hope articulated why she was mad very well, but got stuck there. She refused to do her school work correctly and insisted the pre-packaged ice cream bar GB got was bigger then the pre-packaged ice cream bar I gave her.  I gave her a time in, but all I have to show for it is some new bruising. It is looking like a long afternoon.

GB's real birthday is over a week away. The Green Eyed Monster is getting old. I am grateful for my long weekend get-a-way- no matter  how much payback will be waiting for me when I get back.


  1. oh man...I feel for you. (hug)

  2. You're absolutely correct. The payback will be worth it. Totally.

  3. A Time-In!!! So appropriate. But you're the very first blogger that I've seen mention it. Would LOVE for your to write a post about it. You're a saint!

  4. I hope you are living it up in Orlando! A little bird told me the weather in Florida is rather nice right now ; )


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