Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Strong Sitting and Other Stuff

In answer to yesterday's questions:
  • Strong sitting is a technique to help children switch which part of the brain they are using. They sit still, with their backs straight, and their arms relaxed. Most people I have heard of strong sit on a mat. The goal is one minute per year of age and three times a day. The child sits quietly and you can suggest what they should think about or just let them get in touch with their feelings. I use chairs because you can carry it over to public places and use it when they need to take it down a notch or when you just need two minutes of uninterrupted time (such as registering kids for school). We practice several times a day, when we don't go out, so that they don't have to think about what to do when I need them to do it.
  • Eye contact is a very important piece of the attachment process. Hope has it with the Dad, but would strongly prefer he was the only parent. The only way I get eye contact is with sweets. The idea is that with enough practice, she will pair the good feelings of the sweets with my eyes. 
  • At this point, I am the only one providing meals and treats. We have not gotten to the point Hope tolerates me. It will be interesting to see how long it takes.
  • Hope fell and skinned both knees yesterday.There was enough blood, it needed a bandage. Not a tear or scream. She laughed! I washed it off, which made her mad and got the response "Don't touch me". I told this was a mommy job, dried it off and put an impressively large band aid on it.
  • MK flipped yesterday. As a result, both girls were off all after noon. More on the other blog.


  1. Thank you. I get it now and the strong sitting sounds very useful.

  2. Wow, all that you have on your plate at this moment in time just blows me away! You are doing a great job with little Hope and I am so looking forward to watching her attachment unfold!


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