Monday, August 30, 2010

First Solo

The girls and I have spent our first solo morning together. The Dad was here when Hope woke up, stayed long enough to cuddle her and was gone by 7:20. The girls and I got washed (2 dry pull-ups!), dressed, brushed our teeth, and took our medicine. Hope was not happy that all of that had to be done before we went downstairs for breakfast, but she complied. As it is Monday, they had their choice of frozen waffles or cereal. Hope told me she wanted Daddy's pancakes (Saturday's breakfast) and when I pointed out that Daddy had already left, Hope told me I was mean and ugly. I fed GB and when Hope asked for hers, I brought it for her and told her that the words she used were unkind and that is not how we talk here.  (And since MK has stayed away, she believed me) She said her sorry; not very convincing, but I let it go.

After breakfast, we went to their school to register Hope. Both girls were on best behavior and were thrilled to meet their principal. They had an opportunity to practice strong sitting (we do it in chairs) and both made the two minutes we had to wait.

It went so well, I decided to tackle food shopping. They both needed multiple reminders of the rules, but I never hit "3" (as in  1, 2, 3), so we didn't have to leave. We needed everything since we have been away so much and it took almost an hour, but they made it. When we got home, GB put on Kidz Bop 18 and the girls helped me empty the groceries and put away the low stuff. We had watermelon for a snack, which Hope loved. They then built a fort out of our ghetto blocks, which are just empty boxes sealed with packing tape. We ended our morning with chocolate attachment work. One at a time, we broke a small Hershey's bar in half and looked into each others eyes while we ate it. GB was happy to demonstrate and Hope was happy to have a turn.

Last night, Hope had her first rage and the Dad was the lucky recipient of it. It lasted over 30 minutes, complete with screaming, kicking, biting, scratching, and hitting. I took GB upstairs and had her read to me. That put us at the opposite end of the house and we really didn't hear much. I don't think Hope is comfortable enough with me to let it out and I won't mind if I don't get my own rage for at least a little while.


  1. Wow! What a morning. You got so much accomplished with both girls. But, what is strong sitting? And what does looking in each others eyes do? I may want to try both things with my nieces. Especially the oldest because she loves one on one time.

  2. hm. Dr. Val should give me chocolate for that annoying eye contact thing. i am getting shafted...

    i am directing her to this post...she needs to learn something.

  3. Been thinking about you today. Hope things are going well. Sounds like you are off to a good start. :)

  4. So nice to get the pantry stocked and not leave a cart full of food at the store!

    I have comments I should leave on your other blog. It doesn't do a feed into my blogspot reading list, but now I know that so I'll remember to check. But if I don't comment it isn't that I have nothing to say, but that I don't have the time to turn it into anything coherent.

    And I am also curious as to what strong sitting is. I know I've seen someone mention that before.


Comments Appreciated.