Thursday, May 24, 2012

Round and Round and Straight Down.

Hope followed yesterday's schedule until 4 o'clock, when GB's worker showed up. Hope proceeded to kick me out of no where. By the time I had her wrestled down and safe I was already beat up. This morning I was ready. Hope grabbed my leg and tried to pull me to the floor and I instantly had her pinned. The social worker called the shrink. I already know the shrink was her hospitalized. I just want to survive the weekend. I am so tired of being beat up. It does not bode well that she is not hurting me will she rages anymore, she is consciously choosing to hurt me. This day two of seven.


  1. Oh Hon. I'm sorry. Wish I could wrap my gentle arms around you and let you cry on my shoulder. Let me pray for you.

    Heavenly Father, please reach out to Hope with your Holy Spirit. Give her calmness. Help her to see that she is safe now, that she is loved and lovable, that she can express her anger with words rather than her body. Give GB's mom hope and encouragement, strength and endurance. Father, only You can heal Hope. Please redeem her heartache for Your glory. In Jesus name. Amen.

  2. So I'm guessing Hope hasn't gotten an in-home worker yet. What on earth does the shrink think being hospitalized will do for Hope besides make her think she's on a vacation at a resort with people who are novel and therefore fun?
    Sending you non-creepy Internet hugs, virtual Seriphos pills for your cortisol levels, and real prayers!

  3. So I'm guessing Hope hasn't gotten an in-home worker yet. What on earth does the shrink think being hospitalized will do for Hope besides make her think she's on a vacation at a resort with people who are novel and therefore fun?
    Sending you non-creepy Internet hugs, virtual Seriphos pills for your cortisol levels, and real prayers!

  4. May the Goddess, Mother of us all, embrace you with tenderness.


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