Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I Slayed a Dragon

Today, I slayed one of my dragons. Not using a sword. Not using my intellect. I slayed this dragon with an abundance of paperwork. Every email, every note home, every Tuesday Therapy post, every piece of paper I could find, I dumped on the SPOA  meeting table., along with the IEPs and evaluations that weren't good enough last week. The ICM worker was eloquent in her description of me getting the sh*t beat out of me. Hope has been approved for waiver services.

No time to celebrate. Next dragon is  family court with MK this afternoon. I will update on MK and Booboo on the other blog when I get back.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. I appreciate everyone of you.


  1. Congratulations with this hurdle; hope the next one is cleared easily too.

  2. This made me cry with relief. Love you.

  3. So glad! I hope you have time to celebrate later, and I hope court turns out the way you want. *hugs*

  4. Yesssss :) Good luck, many prayers for MK's and booboo's family court.

  5. You are a hero! Good luck in family court.

  6. I knew you could do it, you dragon slayer. :)

  7. I love to hear dragon stories:) Thankful for the first half of your day, hope the second half was as successful!!!


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