Thursday, March 29, 2012

There Is No Cavalry

Hope had another rage last night, and The Dad was home and was the lucky ragee. The social worker from ICM called this morning and said that Hope's needs were too severe for her program. Her supervisor wants us to meet with the teacher, school therapist, outside therapist and ICM worker. Of course, it won't be until after Easter break. After/if we do that, she wants to refer us to a 4-6 week program that DSS runs. It is not the program that the worker feels Hope would benefit from. The worker said maybe we can get referred to the program that would meet Hope's needs from the 4-6 week program. We have had Hope 19 months now and I have less than no interest in getting involved with DSS. The program currently not giving Hope services is run by the Mental Health Association. The program she needs is run by MHA. I am too old to jump through hoops just because that is the way it is done.

To answer some questions from the last post:

Hope is disassociating, but that does not necessarily mean she has Dissociative Identity Disorder. There are four dissociative disorders and I am not sure they can differentiate between them at Hope's age. They are not sure she doesn't have DID either.

Nobody has ever been prosecuted for what happened to Hope. The abuse was preverbal, which means Hope has no words for what happened. The first adoptive family has not been cooperative.

An RTC is a residential treatment center for children with behavioral problems. It is in the same branch of services that foster homes and group homes are in. The state has custody of your child.

An RTF is a residential treatment facility for children with severe psychiatric illnesses. The level of treatment is more intense, there are fewer beds, and it is much more expensive. It has nothing to do with DSS and you keep custody of your child. It is administered by the same people that oversee MHA.

It is hard and it is exhausting living with a young child with severe RAD and probably other major mental illnesses. I appreciate all the support I get from my readers. Thank you.


  1. Goodness, sounds just AWFUL, I am so sorry. I have been reading your blog for the past two years; I found it by way of Watching the Waters. I know Hope is having a very very hard time right now, but I just wanted you to know that I am rooting for you. You are truly an amazing woman--not to mention a great mom!! You are selfless and strong. You have a big fan here in Seattle.

  2. Sorry, one more thing, you mention that you have another blog. If it would be alright with you, I would love to follow it as well. Thank you.

  3. Goodness, sounds just AWFUL, I am so sorry. I have been reading your blog for the past two years; I found it by way of Watching the Waters. I know Hope is having a very very hard time right now, but I just wanted you to know that I am rooting for you. You are truly an amazing woman--not to mention a great mom!! You are selfless and strong. You have a big fan here in Seattle.

  4. Virtual Hugs Laurie. You have to be beyond drained. hate that she is in so much pain.

  5. Sarah- Thank you! I need your email address to invite you to the other blog.

  6. I don't even have the words for how messed up the Texas family is. I don't...

    And the words I do have aren't fit for public consumption.

    I am praying for your family.

  7. I am sorry, it's such a messed up situation, with no clear light at the end of the tunnel.

    Thinking of you all

  8. I don't get, either, why the other family won't cooperate. Wow. I really, really hope Hope gets what she needs and it doesn't continue to be so hard...

  9. YAY! coments! Sometimes when I'm the only one commenting I feel a little sad, because I know LESS than nothing about this subject. My wife works at an RTF. . . sorta. She trains people there on non-mental health type stuff. . . first aid training, drug administration, new hire orientation, stuff like that.

  10. Ohh, boy. I am so sorry you are all going through this. Having been involved twice with ICM downstate, if they're saying that they can't meet Hope's needs I know what that means.

    Does your district CSE give you any help? All the way along, with Toots, the out-of-district placement coordinator for our CSE has been our rock of support.

  11. I am sorry that this is so hard. I hope you can find a program that works. Here in North carolina almost all services for mental healt has gone away. Our dd had RAD/FASD and possible DID. She is still to young to figure out what is going on. My prayers are with you.

  12. I have a similar situtation with my aadopted 6 year old. Is Hope diagnosed? Mine is not and I also hesitate to jump through hoops to follow THE PROCESS just because it is THE PROCESS. This side of adoption is almost harder than fostering! Our area has NO mental health program and no crisis intervention program for children under 6. My daughter's only crisis intervention is a psych ward at a local Children's. God bless. He sees the intricate details of our children when no one else will!


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