Thursday, March 22, 2012

GB's CSE: Bittersweet

We went to GB's Annual Review. I noticed the school psychologist wasn't there. Since this was GB's Triennial year and I knew she had been tested, I wanted him present. The secretary went off to find him. He came in a few minutes later, with only a WISC III score sheet, and was clearly uncomfortable.

Mr. Teacher started the meeting, by saying GB was a wonderful kid, hard working, well behaved, and fun to have around. She is the youngest in his class and the only third grader. She is working on fourth grade math. Her writing skills are at least two years behind, but she has made great progress in the last three months.

Mrs. Reading Specialist said GB has progressed beautifully and is currently reading on grade level. She provided documentation, which had much detail and actual scores. GB's current DRA  level is 34.

OT said GB scores went up in every category except sensitivity. This was not a surprise. The latest medication has left her more fragile than the Invega or risperdal did. OT will focus on sensory needs for the next year.

ST was pleased with the results she saw after adding a third speech session to GB's week.  She recommended staying at that level of services.

SW is working on personal interaction skills, twice a week, and also recommended staying at current level of services. 

GB will also continue with adaptive gym, social skills class, and "Therapeutic Stretching " (which is really a combination of Tai Chi and Yoga).

Then came the school psychologist. He made several false starts and finally said "My findings are inconsistent with the testing from 2008". I laughed out loud. I told him that in 2008 the school psychologist from her old school came up with an IQ of 100 and subtest scores of 10 across the board. I said back then I didn't know who the psychologist was testing, but it wasn't my kid. GB has always had great strengths and glaring weaknesses. The school psychologist was obviously relieved. He said he didn't know how to tell a parent that their child's IQ had dropped 30 points.

I had known GB's IQ wasn't a 100. I had known that she was developmentally delayed. Still, when I heard that her current IQ was 71, my stomach did flip flops. I was functioning enough to make sure the new IQ was put on the new IEP and a copy was faxed to medicaid, but I still had to wall it off so I could continue to function.

GB joined us briefly at the end of the meeting and everybody got a big smile and I got a hug. It is amazing how hard she works and how happy she is. I remind myself everyday that GB is a gift from God. I am blessed.


  1. Really sounds like a good meeting all in all. The IQ confirmed your own suspicions, and having it slap you in the face is never "awesome", but it sounds like she's really doing well at school!

  2. Isn't an IQ test something that is supposed to be objective? I think it is odd that she would get 100 right on the button but does that mean the psychologist lied to you?

    That link goes to an article that shows IQ fluctuates widely through out adolescence, so I wouldn't worry that her IQ is necessarily set in stone.

  3. @Jim- she is and I am grateful. I have never before had a child in a program so well suited for his/her needs.

    @TwisterB- It wasn't the IQ of 100 that made me suspicious. It was the standard score of 10 on every subtest. It does not mean the psychologist lied, but it probably does mean the psychologist "helped " GB on the subtests she has always struggled on ie processing speed, working memory, expressive speech, word classification, ect. As GB gets older, the testing will expect her to master more and more abstract skills. Because of prenatal brain damage, she will not be able acquire those skills at the same rate, if at all, as others her age. Her IQ score will continue to slowly fall.

  4. I understand your concern. If it will help at all, I have known absolutely wonderful people who probably didn't score very high on standardized tests and evil, friendless jerks who had PhDs.


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