Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bonding Time Ahead

This Friday, somewhere around noon time, The Dad, GB, MK and Mali are flying to Myrtle Beach for my niece's wedding. Hope and I are staying home. Hope is not doing well enough to travel safely. I thought that perhaps three days of uninterrupted bonding time might be good for Hope and I.

Attachment is a two way street. While Hope is clearly RAD, and I am committed to her without reservation, there are too many times where I simply do not like her. I am tired of being called names, I am tired of being a target when she throws things and I am tired of fending off a six year old's manipulations. I am tired.

I want to use this weekend for us to interact without any distractions. No Dad to run to, no places to go. No busyness to hide behind. I would like to end the weekend with some level  of connectedness. After all, bonding is a two way street.


  1. Good luck. Will be holding you both in my heart and prayers.

  2. Oh boy, sounds like my 6 year old. I am currently reeling from a head butt to the throat and 3 "interventions". I hope your time somehow becomes awesome!

  3. Love your attitude heading into this hopefully healing, bonding time. Praying for you both.


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