Monday, February 6, 2012

Strong Sitting

Strong sitting is a technique for helping RADlets heal that I first read about in a Nancy Thomas book. I modified this particular technique so that it worked for us.

Hope has a 24" vinyl mat that she sits on. It is portable and can go anywhere with us. We have used it as a thinking spot, a cool off spot, and a keep Hope contained spot. It worked most of the time. However, when a child has already passed the point of no return, getting them to sit and a mat and collect themselves isn't going to happen very likely. That is when I had the idea to use Hope's mat for strong sitting. For six minutes (one minute per year) Hope is strong sitting on her mat before each meal.

This is what we do for strong sitting:

  • Hope sits on the center of the mat, on her bottom.
  • Legs are criss-cross applesauce.
  • Her back is straight, hands rest on her knees, relaxed.
  • She is encouraged to focus on the good choices she is going to make.

The meal is waiting for her when she has completed her strong sitting.

I am hoping that regular practice will not only let Hope reset several times a day, but make the mat a place Hope  associates with calm control.

Has anybody else used a version of strong sitting?


  1. I love your idea of strong sitting. Could you maybe get Hope a happier more relaxing looking mat.....maybe let her choose one? One that looks more inviting maybe a half of a yoga mat or something. Something that maybe Hope will find special , than an old kitchen rug. Just a thought......


  2. Great idea! Love her hair! Thick hair is difficult to manage. Having her hair look nice is good for her self-esteem.

  3. We have the opposite issue. The Girl is an introverted RAD kid, so she will sit for HOURS. She prefers it to actually interacting with anyone. I'm not finding any good ideas for introverted RAD. Anyone have any?

  4. Really interesting reading, thank you. I've read Nancy Thomas's explanations but it's so practically helpful to hear a mom talk about how it works out with their child in every day life.

  5. My dd did very well with strong sitting. She has done it so many times over the last 8 years she can do it instantly. I love the transition it allows her. Good idea having it be a vinyl mat. Great for angry potty accidents. You are doing great.

  6. Hiya! I was nominated for a great award last week - the Liebster award, given to bloggers, by bloggers, and in turn, I nominated you! Read about it here:


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