Saturday, February 25, 2012

Couples Counseling

The kids spent three hours at Kid's Kingdom in the Little City. The Dad and I drove them, with MK, paid for their admission, and gave MK money for lunch. We picked them up three hours later and nobody wanted to leave.

We did this to manufacture time for The Dad and I to  spend alone. We went out to lunch and then to couples counseling. Couples who raise special needs children have an extraordinarily high divorce rates. Throw a RADish or two in there, expert at pitting one parent against the other, and professional help can be a necessity, not a luxury. Divorced Trama Mama's aren't a rare breed and the norm for Trauma Mama's can be strained relations between them and their other half.

The Dad and I have been married a long time. We have even survived raising a RADish together. Surviving is not good enough. We are looking for more. I have not kept Hope's struggles a secret. Our life is never easy, but the last eight weeks had pushed us over the cliff. We were not in sync at all. Hence, couples counseling. We are working for our future. God has better things in store for us. We are looking forward to our future together and if we need help to get there, we get help.


  1. Good for you for taking the time to take care of yourselves. I am very impressed, you are a role model to many of us!

  2. Good for you! It is a tough road, but it's lighter if you travel together in the same direction.

  3. It takes an extremely strong couple to recognize a need and get help. We have to learn to ask for help, just like our kids. It's humbling.

  4. It is so good to know you and your feller are taking the necessary steps to stay connected and loving. Your life is so full that I bet it takes a small miracle to get those 3 precious hours. I hope you can find more time with your man. Best wishes as always.

  5. Good for you, friend!

    Hoping this brings cohesion and unity back. Parenting trauma is hard, exhausting and discouraging, at times. You guys have been thru hell lately. Hope it helps heal YOUR hearts. (((hug)))

    See you soon!!!

  6. So proud of you! Take care of you!


  7. It requires an incredibly powerful several to identify a need and get help. We have to understand to ask for help, just like our children.


Comments Appreciated.