Friday, January 27, 2012

*Therapied Out*

Today The Dad and I went for our 4th therapy session with Hope this week. Thankfully, it was better than yesterday. We spoke about "tricks of the trade". The therapist reminded us that when are giving Hope options, to make sure the last option she hears is the option we would like her to choose. He reinforced that triangulation needed to be avoided and it was worth the extra effort. He included the school personnel !  Hope and I were given HW for the week- she has to teach me to dance for five minutes three times this week. I left not feeling like it was a waste of time, but rather *therapied out*.  Thankfully, next week has only two therapy appointments.


  1. Hugs and prayers for you and yours.

  2. I wish somebody would teach me how to dance...

    Barb :D

    PS I pray for you many times a day; you are accomplishing something that probably brings tears to the eyes of angels: loving the (REALLY) hard to love. My friend adopted a child something like Hope, referring to her daughter as a "throw-away-kid." She was told know one would ever adopt a kid like hers. Well, she did. And so did you. Wow. Thanks, GB's mom. You may feel weary, but you are one awesome woman and a true hero. May you sense the pleasure of God in what you do for your family.

  3. Glad to hear that it wasn't as bad as yesterday. Interesting homework. Also glad that next week is a lighter therapy week!


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