Monday, January 23, 2012

Psychiatrist and Hope

Hope and GB had an appointment with the psychiatrist this morning. GB went first and had a normal visit. Then it was Hope's turn. Hope behaved no differently in the doctor's office then she has anywhere else recently. The psychiatrist was very concerned. She mentioned total lack of empathy, dangerous behaviors, and no desire to please anybody at this point. For the first time since Hope came home, the psychiatrist wants her back in two weeks. I am glad she sees what I see- sometimes I worry that I am over reacting. I mentioned this to the doctor and she told me she saw these things during Hope's time in her office. I am also scared. The psychiatrist said our first priority has to be getting Hope into a room, away from GB. I am looking for a contractor to make necessary modifications.


  1. Argh, hugs, I'm sorry. Good to hear the ace bandage may have worked, at least that's one chunk of stress that may be lifted off your plate.

  2. ((((hugs)))) my sweet friend. Praying for you.

  3. It's a start. We struggle with that need for separate rooms for the boys here too. RIght now we have a terribly creative arrangement until we can get a contractor to at least put up a wall and door... Virtual hugs to you until I can give you the real ones!


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