Monday, December 12, 2011

Petite Fours

Hope finished her dinner extraordinarily quickly last night. The Dad took her upstairs to bath her and once she was in the tub, threw the dress she had been wearing downstairs to the laundry room. He never checked Hope's pockets. Ellie (GB's dog) went gaga and tore the dress apart. Hope had put her steak from dinner in the dress pocket so she could have dessert. 
Up until that point, it had been a reasonably  quiet day. The girls had wanted to make Petite Fours, like the ones served at High Tea. I cut a pound cake into 21 little cakes. I frosted 5 sides of each little cake. The girls gathered all the sprinkles, colored sugars and candies they could find. They decorated each little cake and were very proud of the results.
I would have included a picture of them admiring their work, but by the time I  got around to it, Ellie had eaten the meat out of Hope's pocket and Hope was already in bed. Maybe next time.

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