Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It is Wednesday

My sister and her family left this morning. Organizing and cleaning are the order of the day. I loved having my sister here, even when we agree to disagree. My 19 year old autistic nephew did well. He only needed to be separated from everyone a couple of times. MK did well. My 14 year old nephew with ADHD and a mood disorder really struggled. He clashes with GB always, but this visit he had difficulty self-regulating most of the visit. Hope continued to struggle, no surprise, but GB spent the last four days at the edge of tears. Lots of little things, all out of her control. She just can't go with the flow. It might not have mattered what we did this year... I think this holiday was destined to be a struggle.

The guys' pajamas had pockets. I think we might all get guy pajamas next year.


  1. merry, merry to you and yours darling. Miss you.

  2. Great family pic!

    Poor GB. So many things tilting her world this holiday. Hopefullly things calm down now.


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