Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Giving Part of Christmas

Today we worked on Jordan's wishes. Jordan is an autistic boy who played baseball with GB. He has spent a lot of time in hospitals. Several years ago, he decided to make gift bags and distribute them at local hospitals. The first year he gathered enough donations to give out 80 gift bags. Each year he received more donations and needed help. This year Jordan has enough for 620 bags!

The girls and I picked up enough things to make 50 bags. We got to do the bags for the babies. Each girl took a gift bag and put a baby hat, an ornament, a bookmark, and a deck of cards (for the babies' parents) in it. They used shiny, pink twist ties to close each bag and taped a "Jordan's Wish" tag on each of them. Mali made three bags with MK's help. He was very good at putting in things in the bag- he wasn't as good at leaving them there! Everybody had a good time, although GB struggled a bit with control issues. This tradition is a keeper!

We sang Christmas carols and the girls kept track of how many bags they had done. All 50 bags are done and it is time for homemade hot chocolate.


  1. what a beautiful holiday tradition! Today was a giving day for us too. They feel so good and i see our kids grow with every experience they have to reach out to others.

  2. What a great tradition! I'm going to try to find something more like that for next year. Shopping for one child from the angel tree was a big trigger for L this year. I think something that isn't child specific would be easier for her to handle.


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