Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Fun With Friends

We spent two nights taking a mini vacation with friends of ours, from mommyneedstherapy. We went to an all included dude ranch, which happened to be half price this week. There was an indoor water park, good food and great company. The Dads took GB and Noah horseback riding. They all enjoyed snow tubing and ice cream at every meal. My friend and I got mommy time (and a drink or two). 

Hope was too young to go horseback riding. We spent the time drinking Shirley Temples and at a Christmas Carol sing-a-long. It may be the best time Hope and ever spent together. Hope did OK, except for Sunday night. She poked from 8 pm until 2 am in the morning. Overall, it worked out really well and we have already booked a return trip just before Christmas 2012.


 They are back in schools for two days. I pray Hope can hold it together.


  1. Praying with you, my friend. (((hugs)))

    SO glad you had a good time with friends. :-)

  2. I suspected (and hoped really big) you were spending your time together!!! Yay!!!

    So happy for you... so wishing I was there too!!!!

  3. It really was an awesome trip with you guys! I'm so glad you suggested we come! Also happy we booked our trip for next December! Now no matter how difficult Noah is during the year I know we have that to look forward to.

    Wouldn't it be awesome to get a bunch of trauma families to go? Can you imagine?

  4. I stumbled upon your blog just now. I am speechless. (pause) I don't know what to say. I struggle so much with homeschooling my two kids, but there are no special needs there, just attitudes. Oh, I will pray God blesses you and your children many, many times over! The world needs more people like you! If I could be your cheerleader every day I would do so. You are inspiring. Thank you. Your kids are so blessed to have you.


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