Monday, November 14, 2011

Our Monday

  • Hope finally had her blood work done. She still flipped out, but this morning there were enough people to hold her down.
  • GB, with MK's help, used her newest cookbook to make monkey cupcakes for her class. I love how they came out.
  • Took the two hour round trip with The Dad and the girls this morning. The psychiatrist spent a half hour talking to GB and 10 minutes taking to Hope. She is pleased with how GB is doing on the new medication. She wants an EKG done on Hope.
  • The trip zapped me. I came home after dropping the girls at school and my oxygen saturation levels hovered around 90. I hope I get to stay in bed for the day, but the doctor might want to see me (I am not calling her).
  • Back fighting with the Director of Special Education. I want both girls' CSE meetings before Thanksgiving.
  • Normal (at least our normal) is within sight. Stitches out Friday.


  1. so very cute!!!!!

    I hope you get your strength back soon!

  2. Those are adorable cupcakes, but do take care of you!

  3. Glad the bloodwork is over with. Those cupcakes are amazing. Yum!


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