Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Medication: A Mixed Bag

We took the girls to see the psychiatrist today. Both girls had high prolactin levels, but GB's was through the roof again. We had to cut her Invega dose in half and now we pray that when it is tested again in three weeks, it will have gone down. If it doesn't, she has to come off it. I am not sure that a 1/2 dose will maintain her stability. I dread having to take her off it completely.

Hope now carries a diagnosis of PTSD, along with RAD. The therapist at school  is focusing on her trauma during their sessions. The outside therapist is not. The shrink  told me today that I had to make sure that the outside therapist refocuses her therapy with  Hope and keeps in contact with the school therapist. She said ideally we would just use the school therapist, but since this is the third school therapist in the year we have had Hope, we would need to keep the outside therapist for consistency.

So far today, I am doing well with my attitude Challenge. This afternoon we have to take the hour ride back to Little City because it is Therapy Tuesday. Hope struggles with therapy. I am going to be very mindful of my attitude.

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