Thursday, October 20, 2011

36 Hours, Redoing Day One

The Dad has been gone 36 hours. I successfully navigated Day 1 all over again. The girls had a half day of school. We went out to lunch, to the party store, and made goody bags. Hope's 6th birthday party is Saturday. The Dad booked The Little Gym  Saturday at 2:30, then bought a plane ticket to Michigan. I haven't spoken to him without the girls around, so I am not sure how Michigan is going.

After doing goody bags, the girls tried to watch a movie, but GB ended up in tears multiple times. I turned it off and made each of them unhappy. They recouped in time for the three of us to make pizza together for dinner. They called The Dad and now they are in bed- GB asleep, Hope talking to herself about how mean I am. I am not saying a word!


  1. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me....


  2. Oh NOW I get the Hope incident...prebirthday crap! So sorry, what should be a wonderful time just stirs up crud.


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