Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Success For GB!

GB has enjoyed gymnastics at The Little Gym since she was two. The Little Gym has been good with her. They always put her in a small class. All their classes are held one at a time, so there is nothing to distract her and the parents viewing area is completely glassed off from the room the kids learn in. They waited patiently for GB to be able to stand in line. In the beginning, GB could only manage 5 minutes doing what the class was doing. By kindergarten, she was on target more than half the time.  During these years, GB learned a lot of gymnastics. She had several NT friends that enjoyed the same classes she did. Last spring, GB started getting bored. Her instructors suggested she move up to the pre-team  class. It was the highest level of gymnastics they taught and it was by invitation only. It was a 90 minute class instead of a sixty minute class and none of GB's friends were invited.

GB and I were both apprehensive. GB didn't like not knowing anybody in the class. I was worried about the length of the class and how seriously the girls in the class took gymnastics. Ultimately, with some encouragement from a friend, I decided to go for it. GB still wasn't sure. I bought her a new biketard and assured her the class would be fun. She agreed to try it.

The first class was yesterday. GB beamed through all 90 minutes of it and made a new friend. Most of the girls were on the same level as her and when the instructors started them on new skills, GB gave them her best shot and didn't worry when she didn't instantly master them. I think it is going to be a good experience for her.


  1. You go GB!!! Good for her!

  2. Yea!!!! GB you are a superstar honey! Mommy too! ;)

  3. So glad to hear- Successes are like gems- Go GB!

  4. Yea…very fancy tank! I am glad she made a friend…I hope she learns a lot of life as well as gymnastics skills. I am cheering her on!

  5. Mom I am so proud of Gb and didn't know the outfit consisted of such a story, we miss her lots too. what a big girl she is, gonna be just like her dad though when it comes to being a natural at sports :) love you, it did take my hubby thru life right?


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