Thursday, August 18, 2011

There Are No Dragons Today

Today, there are no dragons to slay, no dragons to win. Today I am taking a five hour train trip to see two Soul Sisters. By myself. Childless. I feel giddy, excited, adventurous. I can't remember the last time I rode on a train. I was young. All these great feelings and I haven't even left home yet. I wish I could share these wonderful feelings with all my Soul Sisters and Trauma Mamas. You have my solemn promise- I will not waste a moment of this time. I am so glad there are no dragons today :)


  1. Have a fabulous time!!! (((hug)))

  2. I'm not a soul sister nor a trauma mama but I can certainly appreciate the joy of being 'alone' for a while! The fact that you go through so much more than I do,makes me even happier for you. Enjoy!

  3. WOOT! WOOT!! for you!!! Have a great time!

  4. Y'know, wasting time is perfectly fine if that is what your brain and body are into doing just then ... it isn't like you can do that on a normal day ...

    You deserve this trip. I hope you are having / have had a feel lighter, weight-off-the-shoulders time. : )

  5. How wonderful! Have a great time on your trip.

  6. Hope you are having an amazing day!!! Give everyone a hug for me!


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