Sunday, August 28, 2011


Today Hope asked me how many days she had lived here. I told her a year and a day. She asked again how many days she had lived here. I answered 366 days. She asked me how many days before she had to leave. I didn't let her see me cry.


  1. *Sigh* I get it.

    (((HUGS))) for you both!

  2. My girl is always waiting for the other shoe to drop, too.

  3. Wow. That must have been heart breaking honey. I can't imagine feeling that way. I can't imagine how it made your momma's heart feel. She'll see - she's never leaving. Love you.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i love you mom, you are amazing....xoxoxo to you all. (p.s. deep breath) :)

  6. Bless her sweet heart. So glad she has you and won't EVER have to leave. ((Hugs to you and Hope))

  7. Poor baby!! (((HUGS)) to you and your lil darling.

    You are such an awesome momma!!

    Love you darling!

  8. I remember the day before our adoption as we were explaining what adoption is. Our son listened closely, then asked, "So, a while after that, I will go back in foster care, right?" Broke my heart too.

  9. Now I'm crying. Bless her heart. Honestly, I think J thought the same thing (even though she's been home for 5 years) until we did the commitment ceremony this June. Somehow something just clicked for her then....

    It will for Hope too. You're an amazing mother, L!

  10. this made me think like that must be hard.

  11. Poor little girl...imagine living with that as your foundational understanding of how things work. No wonder her daily stress level is so close to the breaking point. Mine would be too. :-(

    Hugs to you. You're a great mom. Keep reminding her of your love. It takes time, but more and more, she will grasp it.

  12. This made me cry, too. Heartbreaking...

  13. (((((((((((((♥)))))))))))))

    It is only in hindsight of RAD meltdown that I am beginning to understand their perspective.

    It really helps me to understand that our RADs only know disruption...

    "Parents leave." and/or "I leave Parents."

    Our older RAD had an estimated 17 sets of "parents" before us.) They have no experience what-so-ever to base the promise of a "forever family" on.

    You are one awesome momma!!!!!
    Keep on keeping on...


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