Sunday, July 10, 2011

I didn't Want to Know

I saw my new neurologist Friday. None of the news was very welcomed. I am still not on any meds for my neurological problems. He said I have  mitochondrial level  disease that can only be treated by symptoms. He order a sleep study for last night because sleep apnea can make the neurological problems worse and he can treat sleep apnea. The Dad and the girls dropped me off a little after eight last night. I was hooked up to monitors using a lot of wires and some sticky stuff. They came in to adjust wires and connectors often and it seemed like it took me forever to fall asleep. I was suppose to wait to hear from the doctor, but the nice technician  let me look at the raw results. I have sleep apnea (no surprise), but I wasn't expecting to see that my oxygen saturation levels dipped below sixty percent on four different occasions.  I was so tired when I got home that I took a four hour nap.  Next step is to go for calibration.  Right now, I have two little girls who want to be right next to me.


  1. I have sleep apnea. I was also SOOO exhausted after my sleep study! Do you have to do another night? I had to sleep there a second night with the CPAP machine on so they could make sure it took care of the problem. The CPAP machines takes some getting used to, but I am so in love with it now. Been using it about a year and a half. I feel so much better.

  2. Wow, 60%! I was only abt 88% and how *tired* I was.

    I didn't like the CPAP night at the sleep lab. But I *really* wanted a CPAP, so I put up with it. (I'm lucky though, the narcolepsy lets me sleep anywhere. The doc said only a narcoleptic sleeps *that* well in a sleep lab.)

    The CPAP makes a huge difference but I can't say I love it. Probably it is the mask I've got (a go-in-the-nose do-dad.) I was, however, "used to it" after only 2 nights.

    It isn't like a CPAP is going to give you all the energy your girls are sapping out of you, but you will have a bit more energy, and you will know your are not dying significantly faster than you need to.


  3. Wow, your levels were really low! I loved my sleep study! No kids climbing on me and waking me up all night long. I asked for late checkout but they wouldn't do it. :) I have sleep apnea, too. The CPAP makes a huge difference for me. I can't stand the thing and have been known to throw the mask across the room in the middle of the night, but I've learned to live with it. I tried many different masks before I found one that worked for me. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Wow... I remember learning about mitochondrial disease... don't remember any of the specifics.

    Keep us posted on your progress... I'm praying for miracles!!!!

  5. Praying for you today. Hope you find some answers and some rest.

  6. I'm sorry to hear you are going through this, but glad you are getting answers and that the sleep apnea is treatable.

  7. ((((HUGS))))

    Thinking about you and praying you are hanging in there.

    I'll give u call one day this week.

    Love Ya,

  8. When you get your CPAP ask for a nasal pillow. It's so much more comfortable than a mask and allows you to sleep on your stomach.

  9. Sorry to hear about this. I know the stress level you are under does not help any health issues. Hope everything is okay. Praying for you today.

  10. I have sleep apnea too - Its the difference between night and day since I got the CPAP machine. Just found your blog (through Tudu's - Finishing Off My Family) and love it!


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