Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Random Ramblings

My sister and niece spent the weekend with us in the North Carolina mountains. It was really good to see them again. On Sunday, they left to go back to Raleigh and took GB and I with them. The rest of the crew is coming to Raleigh today. Hope and GB enjoyed a two day break from each other.

GB was thrilled to have extra time with her almost 17 year old cousin, Danae. Hope was thrilled to have the spot light all to herself. Hope can now swim the length of the pool without stopping. GB is developing a nice dive.

We received an unexpected call from the realtor for my parents house Saturday. It looks like it is sold. We have less than 6 weeks to empty out the house. It hit me pretty hard. My mom has been gone over three years and I thought I was ready. Maybe not. My sister came up with the idea of moving Mom's koi pond to her house. It made me feel much better. I suspect it is going to be very difficult and a lot of work.

We were supposed to be home by Saturday. I am now wondering if it makes more sense to spend the weekend in North Myrtle Beach. I still hope to see a Soul Sister or two before I leave the Carolinas.


  1. omg, mom, have you told my hubby yet? proposing not since he hasn't said anything. he is gonna be sooo sad, he was just hoping it wouldn't sell for another year. wow, lots of feelings. i am sorry mom, i am sure it hurts the worse for you. i love you and will not call whining for another day or too....lol. love ya mom. your dil.

  2. Sorry it didn't work out for us to connect. I hope you got my fb message. Next time you're headed my way let me know and we'll make it happen or I'll just see you in Orlando!

  3. Sorry about your parents' house. That must be so hard. Moving the koi pond sounds like a nice idea.


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