Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hope Has a GREAT Afternoon!

Hope started out the day miserable.  She screamed, slammed, and raged at The Dad. This afternoon she decide to be pleasant and cooperative. We spent the afternoon swimming. When we started, Hope couldn't swim. By the time the afternoon was over, Hope could swim across the whole pool. She is so proud of herself!

Not to be left out, GB did a running jump and caught the beach ball. Everyone is having a good time and yesterday's car  ride is a distant memory :)


  1. Nice work Hope. Lots of things are scary at first, but the more we learn and face our fears the less scary they get. You are a brave girl and i am proud of you.

  2. Yay for hope!!! An afternoon of a regulated child can sure seem like a vacation! Hoping a whole day is just around the corner for you!

  3. Victory for Hope's body and mind! Yay! And Yay! for GB's jumping catch - she's more coordinated than I think I was at that age.

  4. Looks like everyone is having a blast!!!! Yay!!!!!!


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