Sunday, May 22, 2011

Virgin Trauma Mamas

What is a Virgin Trauma Mama? A Virgin Trauma Mama is a  Trauma Mama who is going to Orlando for the first time March 2-5, 2012. I have received emails from several women who NEED to be at Orlando 2012. I am sure Corey has received many more. Registration starts June 1, 2011. Villas will fill up quickly. If you are a Trauma Mama, you can find information at If you are not a Trauma Mama, please consider visiting the link anyway. There is a chip in button to contribute to scholarships for Trauma Mama's that do not have the finances to make Orlando 2012 a reality for them. Even if you could spare as little as $5.00, every little bit helps. I will be going. I "chip in"ed. I hope some other trauma mamas who need it as badly as me will also get a chance. Thank you for considering donating to the scholarship fund.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a virgin!! Your post about going there really helped me decide to want to go because I could relate to being a non-social person and not doing well with crowds and noise! I figured if you could do it, then I could do it. I sure hope it happens!


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