Friday, May 6, 2011

Superintendent-Go-Round, Part II

When I wrote yesterday's post, Superintendent-Go-Round, I was waiting for the Superintendent  to call me back. He did, at 3:05. He assured me he was taking me very seriously and he would do everything in his power, but ultimately the decision was in the hands of the school board. I started thanking him for his time, getting ready to hang up, when he interrupted. He said as a show of his intent to help me, he could guarantee the bus would pick up the girls at my house today and the aide in question would not be on the bus.  He said he would get back to me today after he had time to work on the problem.  I was as polite as I could manage at that point and repeated that this had been going on a full week and I simply did not have the time or energy for any more pass-the-hat.

The bus picked the girls up at the house this morning. No brownie points for the Superintendent, though, since the IEP was amended Wednesday to require this. The aide in question was not on the bus, but there is usually a different aide in the morning. I will update when he calls back or when I hire a lawyer... which ever comes first.

Today is crazy hat day. GB had a hard time deciding which hat. She left with no hat. I guess I will be making a trip to the school today, despite all of the Superintendents help.

1 comment:

  1. (off topic)I do not know how you handle the severe fits day in and out. Being struck by a child is very nerve wrecking. Thank you for your support on my blog.

    (on topic) You are getting things done and I hope it doesn't come down to calling a lawyer. But you gotta do whatever it takes to get your girls the best quality of care which they deserve.


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