Friday, May 20, 2011

Mean People Suck!

A lot of my friends are "trauma mamas". I was fortunate enough to be able to go to Orlando last year (You can read about it here) and met the most amazing people in the world. They were also parenting traumatized kids and they "got it". They knew at a level beyond words what my life was like and how much energy I pour into my girls. I still have regular contact with a lot of them and that contact keeps me sane, especially when the world is telling me, in one form or another, that I am the crazy one. I am blessed by each one in my life.

One of the women, who happens to be a cornerstone in my life and the life of many others, has hit a rough patch of her own. All of us trauma mamas get it. Most A lot of the outside world does not. And without knowing what our kids have lived through, the obstacle courses we have run, looking for help, and the behaviors our families have had to deal with while trying to heal our traumatized kids, people who know nothing about our world pass judgement. Some of them, acting out from their own hurts and fears, get very nasty about it. So to my friend, I say "You are an awesome human being. Mean people suck. Do not listen to them".

And if you happen to be friends with a trauma mama, today would be a good day to go give them some love.


  1. I'm just a lurker and a great fan of your blog and the wonderful ideas here, which I gather up like gold. Hugs, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and your progress with your beautiful girls.

  2. I've been reading for awhile, but I don't believe I've ever commented. I'm an adult with bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety and I can't even imagine what it's like to help a child with any of those, much less added to the backgrounds they have come from. I'm glad you have a really great support system as you raise these beautiful girls.

  3. In the name of those who should, I thank you for everything you've done so far and continue to do each and every day.

  4. Mean people DO suck! I'm so glad you're nice and a wonderful encourager!!!

  5. You ROCK too! I feel incredibly lucky to have you in my life. You have no idea how much I value your advice.

  6. Thank you, girlfriend. The good news is that when one has so many good people lifting you up, it is impossible for one person to drag you down. My day started rough. My friends circled the wagons and reminded me how truly blessed I am. And I am. Thank you for blessing me. xoxo

  7. I couldn't do what you do! Thanks for adopting these little ones. Be sure and enter the giveaway.

  8. So true. There are so many people who don't get it, which is fine, but it hurts when they can't keep their negative and judgmental opinions to themselves.

    I didn't know you went to Orlando! I would love to go. That's the only vacation I can imagine that would even feel like a vacation!


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