Wednesday, April 13, 2011

That Smile

Today it is gray, rainy, and cool in our part of New York. Hope wouldn't get up and pulled the covers over her head, whining about being tired. GB got up, used the bathroom, and looked out the window. She said "It's a yucky day out there. Let's go back to bed and cuddle." I debated between fighting the usual battle to get Hope up and going and GB's request. This morning it was a no-brainer. GB and I climbed back into bed and cuddled. I put no time limit on it; I just allowed myself to enjoy it. Eventually, Hope got up to tell me we were late and going to miss the bus. I smiled and told her we already had. GB thought this was the funniest thing.

They did get dressed and eat breakfast. I drove them to school. When I kissed them good bye and told them to have a great day, GB still had a huge smile on her face. That smile was worth more than whatever she missed by being 30 minutes late.


  1. That's fantastic! Good for you!

  2. what is cuddling? i dont mean to sound stupid, but it doesnt sound ttoo good that it is in bed...know what i mean?

  3. [That would be a negative about getting a door-to-door bus. It would be out there, honking at you.]


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