Saturday, March 26, 2011


Today, my back to healthy day, I took the girls swimming and lasted in the pool for two hours. GB and I had a great time. The Dad and GB's Grandma came so there was a lot of attention for both girls. Hope enjoyed a little of the afternoon, but most of the time, she was utterly dysregulated. We had multiple episodes of ear-piercing shrieks, that echoed across the large room housing the pool. We had physical threats, but no actual physical attacks. All three of the adults were called names and subject to obnoxious behavior. We ignored it as best we could, but it was difficult. Hope wanted all the attention all the time and since that is never possible, she refused to couldn't be content. We went out to dinner and now I am in bed, sore and exhausted, but pleased. GB had a good day and I am ready to try again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. swimming can go either way for my kids. Inherently, you'd think it would slow them down, physically exhaust them, simmer their steam, etc. Except for my two with issues, it can backfire and just as many times they've fallen asleep on the way home from the Y, they've tumbled out of the van in the driveway screaming, kicking and requiring physical restraint. have never understood what the difference is! lol


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