Thursday, February 10, 2011

GB's Small World Grows a Little Bigger (For the Moment)

I complained to the shrink that Geodon was holding GB in during the day, but by 5 o'clock she was really struggling. He added another 20 mg of Geodon at four o'clock. Things are better. I still can't wait for the new shrink in March so we can try the next generation of Risperdal.

A boy from GB's class called yesterday and invited her over for a play date today. He lives one block from the school and his mother will meet them at school and walk them to his house. It has been months since I let her go on a play date and she is equally excited about having a friend and spending an hour and a half after school without Hope. Our world is pretty small at this point.

I am pleased she is so excited and proud of myself for agreeing to it. I tend to err to the side of keeping the world small for them, so they can manage, but sometimes you have to let them enlarge their world a little bit to see if they are ready for it. It is such a balancing act.


  1. Wow - we inquired about Hope. So happy to see her smiling face!

    Found you at Moms Relate!

  2. Blue -my 12 year old just got invited to a 1 week leadership camp -sleep away camp. I am so thrilled that he was invited, but afraid to let him go! If he goes...I'll be sleeping away at a nearby hotel! :-D

  3. It is a balancing act but you have to keep trying to expand their universe. Hope it turns out well for her.

  4. I struggle with this too. Hope everything goes ok.


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