Friday, January 28, 2011

V.S. Chairperson

Yesterday I received the following email in response to my request to have a program review for Hope.

Dear GB's Mom,

I am currently doing annual review meetings all day, every day. I can not do a program review.  It is  possible that Hope's annual review will be soon because I know that I have at least one day with  Ms. V.Y. Teacher coming up fairly soon.

Very Stupid Chairperson, PhD

I answered her email this morning and blind copied (thanks to The Dad, I know how to do this now) Mrs. Director of Special Education.

Dear  Very Stupid,

While it is obvious that deciding a kindergartner's placement for 8 months from now (note: we are still in the month of January) is an urgent matter, my concerns about my child's placement as of this moment are just going to have to be fit in. I know that you do not believe that Reactive Attachment Disorder exists, but that is currently irrelevant. An excellent psychiatrist, who works for the Country Renown Childrens Home, has completed a psychiatric examination on Hope and that is the diagnoses we were given. This psychiatrist says Hope is triangulating everyone she comes in contact with. You may not understand how triangulation works, but that is also OK. I am very willing to help the committee rewrite her IEP, so that it both meets legal requirements and Hope's needs. If this really can't be fit in your schedule now, I will be filing a claim of IEP insufficiency with NYSED  in the beginning of the week. The lawyer we used for GB is currently available to assure Hope gets a FAPE. I hope somebody has time to consider this matter over the weekend.


GB's Mom,  Doctoral Candidate

Less than 15 minutes after I sent this email, I received a call from Mrs Director of Special Education. She asked specific questions about my concerns and requested I not do anything until she had a chance to investigate. She is suppose to call me back Tuesday.  I will wait and see.


  1. Can you please write a few letters for me? LOL I love it!

  2. That was absolutely spot-on. :) I really did LOL when I read the last paragraph.

  3. Oh! That is SO GOOD. Yowzers.


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