Friday, January 14, 2011

National Delurker's Day ?

I almost never lurk because I usually have an opinion on most things. However, in honor of the holiday, all lurkers are invited to delurk (if they want to). I think I would find it fun to know some of the people reading, but there was a time when I was afraid to comment, imagining all the criticism I would get. So, if you feel like continuing to lurk, that is ok, too.


  1. I am here. Sometimes I comment. Mostly I lurk. I enjoy your blog a great deal!

  2. Hi there. I'm a college student in Utah studying special education and interesting in adopting in the future. (Way into the future) I lurk, as I usually feel I don't have much to add in my inexperience.

  3. i read but dont comment much anymore. for reasons unstated

  4. Hi! mostly a lurker... also a RAD mom, with a blog you can find if you follow my profile back. I read because every single other mom I find makes me feel less alone.

  5. I comment sometimes, but since I'm supposed to be on an "internet diet," I try to pretend I don't. I definitely read and enjoy your blog. Like Sarah it helps so much to know I am not alone.

    Mary in TX


Comments Appreciated.