Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Long Day

GB's shrink has decided to add Zyprexa to her medication regime. I am not completely sold, but the only other choice he gave me was Seroquel, and I have had too many kids react very poorly to Seroquel to even consider trying GB on it. He called it into the drugstore at home, so we probably will not start it until Sunday night.

The girls had a difficult day today. Most of us were sorting and packing stuff. There were people in and out all day and anytime I was engaged in the sorted, they slipped away to unpack boxes so they could take "treasures" home. My sister and I understand each other very well and there is little friction over where different items are going, but the extended family members are very sure what they are entitled to, and that tends to be energy draining. The girls have been away from home for almost 2 weeks and they really need to get back to their home and routine. I wish I could click my heels three times and end up at home.


  1. oye. i could never be away from home for that long with my kids because they couldn't handle it. after two days AB is pacing and repeating ad nauseum "i'm bored. when can we go home."

    I also have had the unfortunate choice to restrict whom we visit because many people we know can't catch on to the triangulating behaviors Sissy jacks up about.

    I hope you can get home in one piece!

  2. Oh man, I wish she didn't have to take Zyprexa. That medicine can have so many side effects. When I stopped Zyprexa I lost 40 lbs in 2 months...keep an eye on her diet. I wish you all a happy New Year!


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