Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thankful November, Day 9

This morning is cold and rainy, and it seemed like it took hours to get the girls out to the bus. Hubby is in England for the week. I am grateful for the fireplace in the leaving room. I am grateful for my two Maine Coons who stay by my side. I am grateful for a pantry stocked with groceries, so I don't have to go out until we leave for therapy tonight. I am most grateful for GB's Mr. Teacher.  Even though GB had a really hard morning and her thinking processes were faulty, I could send her to school and be sure she was getting the support she needed. I am also sure that if she can't hold it together, Mr. Teacher will call me to pick her up BEFORE there is a problem. How different then last year. Thank you, Jesus.


  1. Truly, Thank God for wonderful teachers.
    You have Maine Coons? Lucky! Those are awesome cats.

  2. A great teacher is such a blessing. So happy GB has one.


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