Monday, October 4, 2010

6:10 and I am toast.

The girl got off the bus at 3:45. It is 6:10 and I am a sweaty, exhausted mess. Hope has just had the most miserable 2 hr stretch she has had since her arrival. She had a 2 hour rage, that varied slightly in its intensity but never stopped. She tried to bite me endlessly, succeeding once, scratched and kicked me, and tried to go after GB. 2 hours of physically restraining her has me sore, sweaty, bruised and tired. MK and Booboo ended up taking GB to gymnastics and Hope is now quietly coloring. Dinner and bed for both of us.


  1. you are getting respite, no? because you need it

  2. Poor baby! And the rest of your family too.

    Bikg Hugs!

    Mary in TX

  3. isn't that exhausting!!! we had one week of that all week, and have had the last 3 weeks a little more calm. it is so hard physically not to mention emotionally. praying for ya!

  4. So sorry. The emotional strain is as hard as the physical strain and pain during their rages, isn't it? Absolutely exhausting. Really sorry. Hope tomorrow is better. Get some rest and take care of yourself.


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