Thursday, September 9, 2010

Flu Shots

The two little girls and I went to get flu shots this morning. GB was brave! Hope cried through my flu shot, screamed through GB's, and lost it and had to be restrained through her flu shot.When we were finally in the car, heading home, Hope stopped the  left over sniffling and said "Mommy, I like shots". I am glad I don't have to take a child that hates shots.
Not happy, but GB was able to manage.


  1. SHE CALLED YOU MOMMY! SO cool. strange that she "likes shots" after all that hullabaloo!

  2. I have been reading and catching up on your blog. I don't seem able to keep up daily like I would like to but I always make time to catch up with you and yours. It seems like you are doing a great job! You have your hands and your heart full! So much of Hope sounds like my Miss M. Hugs to you friend!!!

  3. So glad she got over the hype. I remember once that my brother scared me so much before getting a shot that I almost passed out. GB is a sweet big sister.


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