Friday, August 13, 2010

Hope has a class!

After two weeks of being polite, deteriorating to being politely threatening, Hope has a class. It is not in our neighborhood school, but it is in the same school GB will be in and runs the same hours, so they will ride a little bus together. The class has a special ed teacher, 2 teacher assistants, a social worker, and a psychiatrist several 1/2 days a week. It is meant for children with emotional problems and it maxes out at 12 students. Right now, Hope will  make eight. An added bonus is that the department of special ed is located in this building. One stop shopping!

We are set to terminate the current parent's rights and finalized Hopes adoption in two weeks, in Texas. We need to make some major physical changes around here, but I am reluctant to start them until Hope is really ours. I still get mixed messages from Hope's current family, and I guess there is a part of me that is afraid they will still back out.


  1. Oh man I am so excited for you getting such a convenient school set up. And it is smart to look at both possible outcomes though I bemieve they will not back out.

  2. Does Hope know what is happening? How was that handled, or how will it be? When the move is made will she have to start school right away or will there be some adjustment time? Will she have contact with the family she is with now? I find the different ways different government entities handle this so interesting From reading other blogs I gather in some places this could take twicw as long. She's lucky to have you and lucky that you are able to understand thelegal ins and outs.

  3. I certainly understand about not wanting to make changes too soon. On the other hand, you can also look at making the changes as telling the universe you are ready; the space is there, now you need it filled.

    Do you have other blogs or is this the only one? (This is the only one I know about ...)


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